Friday, June 13, 2008

Glenwood United Methodist Community Garden in Valleyview suffers flash flood

This garden took a toll from last night's storm. they lost some rootcrops, a small fridge and water pump. If any one knows where they can get some replacement onion sets, 4x4 lumber, dorm fridge or any other help please contact me and I will put you in touch with Linda Casto, garden leader.
Thank you,

1 comment:

InTheGarden said...

Hi Bill, thanks for posting the pictures. We got hit again last night (6/13) but miracles are still abounding in our garden.

I went down this morning and, even though the shed has been moved a good 7-8 inches off its foundation, all of our plants and plant supports are intact - even the onions are still there and they are tucked into the corner that got hit the deepest and longest! Of the 12 hills of summer squash I planted Tuesday night - 8 hills survived and the seeds have germinated. Our second planting of snap beans and wax beans went in a week ago today - 95% germination and the plants are a little muddy, but doing well.

I believe in miracles - and Glenwood's garden is certainly a testimony to miracles that happen every single day.

Linda Casto