Friday, May 23, 2008


to the point!


Pretty, but how do they keep it safe through the weather? is it lacquered?

A twist!

Difficult to see, but this is a beautiful recycled & welded example.



I hope someone in our community garden is an artist. This one raises the bar!



very nice, but is it noisy or difficult to maintain?

someone has a graphic designer in their community. Very nice.

I love this, but this would NOT fly in my neighborhood.

ooh! beautiful and packs a punch (what a name & they have a motto!)

This looks like my friend Stephanie wrote it. It is cute cute cute. The hours idea is interesting.


Signs say a lot about your garden, including: WELCOME!

When people know what the space is all about and how to be in the garden, I think they are more likely to step on in and engage in a positive way. I found all of these images on Flickr and I would like to use them when planning SHCG sign.

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