Friday, May 30, 2008
Path To Freedom
Catherine Gervis of The University Area Enrichment Association encouraged me to look at this link-- "Path To Freedom." There seems to be a beautiful trend towards urban gardening. I love the contagious aspect of community gardening! I am seeing more gardening here where I live in the University Area and it is making a dramatic change in how the neighborhood feels. We landscaped our front yard last weekend and both of our neighbors are doing the same. It will be interesting to see the changes in Columbus over the next 5 years. This is a time in our country where many people are struggling (gas prices, bills) and adding some flowers, growing our own food, setting up new farmers markets and increasing pubic art....that's transformative and powerful!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
From Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Assn.
OEFFA Organic Lawn Care workshopColumbus, Ohio Saturday, June 14, 2008 9:00am-Noon Organic lawn care is a great option for those who want a vibrant lawn that they can be proud of, without using chemical applications that can be detrimental to the health of pets, people, and local wildlife. This do-it-yourself style organic lawn care class will present information on how to safely manage soil health, fertilization, disease, weeds, and pests that can cause problems in the yard. Different types of grass, good lawn care practices, and the use of native plantings as grass alternatives will also be discussed. There will be plenty of time for individual questions. This workshop will be taught by Nate Elfner of Elfner Landscape and Organic Lawn Care.$25 OEFFA members/$35 non-members.Class size is limited, so sign up early! To register, send your check, along with your name, address, phone number, and email to: OEFFAWorkshops, 41 Croswell Road, Columbus OH 43214. Workshop details and directions will be sent to registrants. Questions can be directed to or 614/421-2022. Please visit our website,, for more events throughout the year.
some of nature's garden ornaments
waiting, reaching for....spring
which way did she go?
stones should gather moss. live life slowly.
some of my garden ornaments
fire pit
garden chair
sundial in the butterfly garden
toad house (he is in there)
arbor before the summer clematis covers it

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Hmm? Part 2.
I appreciate it. I see its usefulness. I like how it recycles.
But it is ugly. Tires are ugly.
Is there a better way to use this great idea?
Disco Balls in the Garden
I didn't think I could love gardening any more than I already do, but then I saw this.
"at first I was afraid, I was petrified..."
If we can't figure out how to make them ourselves, we can order them here.
Sheds Are Cool
Umm...This is Just TOO Ridiculously Cute
This is another garden art idea over at Weinland Park Community Gardens. I am at a loss for words. Too ridiculously cute.
It might be fun to do scary & gross bugs and other garden creatures, too!
Seed Packet Art
These packets are available at a very fabulous blog, Modish:
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Help out by Taking a Survey
From the ACGA listserv:
The Urban Ag Committee of the Community Food Security Coalition invites you to take a survey which we hope will help us know better what we should be doing to help urban farmers and gardeners and promote urban agriculture.
Many of you have heard about the North American Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Alliance -- if not and you're interested, please contact me and I will forward info. This survey should inform that new group's work as well.
Please follow this link and take the survey if you are an urban ag practitioner. It should take between five and ten minutes to complete. If you have comments about the survey itself, please feel free to e-mail them to me by hitting reply.
Also, thanks to all of you out there who helped develop or helped test the survey.
Cynthia Price
Co-chair (with Betsy Johnson), CFSC Urban Ag Committee
Friday, May 23, 2008
A twist!
Difficult to see, but this is a beautiful recycled & welded example.
I hope someone in our community garden is an artist. This one raises the bar!
very nice, but is it noisy or difficult to maintain?
someone has a graphic designer in their community. Very nice.
I love this, but this would NOT fly in my neighborhood.
ooh! beautiful and packs a punch (what a name & they have a motto!)
This looks like my friend Stephanie wrote it. It is cute cute cute. The hours idea is interesting.
Signs say a lot about your garden, including: WELCOME!