Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fiskar's Project Orange Thumb


What inspired Project Orange Thumb?

Started in 2003, Project Orange Thumb is a grant program that provides community garden groups with the tools and materials they need to reach their goals for neighborhood beautification and horticulture education.

During our inaugural year, we partnered with the Chicago Park District and the Garfield park Conservatory Alliance to provide tools, materials and support to three community gardens in Chicago.

Marking our 5th successful year in 2007, Project Orange ThumbSM has provided over 100 community groups with over $200,000 to create and develop their own special community gardens. These included projects geared toward community involvement, neighborhood beautification, sustainable agriculture and/or horticultural education.
Community garden groups, as well as schools, youth groups, community centers, camps, clubs, treatment facilities, etc. are encouraged to apply.

Grant Recipients Receive:
Up to $1,500.00 in Fiskars® Garden Tools
Project Orange ThumbSM t-Shirts for garden members/volunteers
Up to $800.00 for other materials such as plants, seeds, mulch, etc.

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